in this blog i will be walking myself out of years of programming. who i have become is not who i really am as Life within what is best for all. who i have become is who i am within self interest and a disregard for all other life. and to change this i must first be willing to self honestly look at how myself was made. to do this i will, through self-investigation, see within myself the patterns i participate in, the characters i have created and the ideas the i accept and allow and how these things manifest in the physical as "me". and i apply self-forgiveness for all this mess. then i bring action to cause with self-correction in moments to live as the directive principle within my movement so i can be trusted with Life to do what is best for all in every breath. consideration. honesty. oneness. equality. and so i walk..

Sunday, February 16, 2014

day 24: waste not need not

-use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
-(of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated.
-(of a material, substance, or byproduct) eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after the completion of a process.
-(of an area of land, typically in a city or town) not used, cultivated, or built on.
-an act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.
=material that is not wanted; the unusable remains or byproducts of something.

waste is a big issue in our world. waste of time, food, housing, people, cloths, space, potential. we waste our overall resources in favor of, essentially, fighting to the death for our personal acquirement of them. there is an abundance here. the earth is wonder full that way. and i dont say that to say anything we do to/on the earth is fine because there is plenty to go around. but to say that there is an abundance here. and what we do with that abundance will determine if its physically manifested through us or physically stifled through us. ultimately, we decide. and that process of decision making and walking a decision that has been made into the physical has been hijacked.

in my business i see a lot of waste. i have studied marketing since freshman year of high school (both in school and as a serious curious self investigator) and worked in the marketing industry for almost 10 years now. i have seen first hand how the ideas of edward bernays are steady being used to influence the thoughts, emotions, behaviors and decisions of the public in order to push an agenda of those with money. bernays is the man responsible for turning evil cancer sticks into "torches of freedom" and getting women to begin habitual behavior they were previous against. he also got women to wear hairnets after a change in the desired hairstyle was making hairnet manufactures afraid they wouldnt be able to continue making tons of money. all by the molding and manipulation of the minds of the public. bernays expanded on one of the many possibilities of us as a people. there are thousands. of possibilities. but this one, this passive aggressive manipulation and control of people, was ran with. all others, equality..oneness..collective operation..selectless care and consideration..resource management..sharing..thy neighbor as thy self, seemed to be completely disregarded in favor of this one. or probably not yet considered at all. what was cool about bernays is that he was a digger. and he dug into the depths of the human mind and its translation into the physical. saw what we are capable of. but only a very small part. the starting point on the same platform of control. he believed people could be bernaysed into buying, into war, into peace. into anything. this point found could have been used to encourage responsibility within ourselves, our actions, our thoughts, our purchases as we see our collective influence. in this the potential of bernays was wasted. because he stopped. he stopped at one possibility and got lost in it as The Solution or The End All of who we are as people. we are so quick to accept what we see despite..instead of considering to change ourselves, our make up, our shortcomings.

i have spent the past couple of days essentially wasting trees. i had boxes upon boxes of cardboard coasters to give away for free to bars and restaurants. first, lets look at this concept of free. i am in the business of seemingly free things. all i give away are free things. i rarely sell outright. but i can tell u honestly that in our world there is not one thing that is free. everything cost money. if a person that receives an item has paid no cost that is ONLY because the physical price of said item has already been paid for by someone else. and that someone else is usually the person who benefits from the seemingly free transaction. but the person who receives the "free" item pays as soon as they take it. they pay with their attention..with their already fine tuned reception to influence..with their subconscious awareness of themselves within interaction. thats what i am paid to to. initiate an experience that has a lasting effect on future decisions. but in this case thats what the seemingly free coasters were designed to do. i was the free coaster fairy seemingly saving these bars and restaurants from having to pay money for coasters. as far as all the bars and restaurants are concerned they are happy to get the coasters. thankful even in some cases. "we can always use free coasters!" many said. yes, they understand my clients position and purpose for giving them these free coasters. but they are at the mercy of money saved by using the free ones despite what they say on them, what they promote or what they encourage. and time in this rat race as we have made it that is seemingly saved by not having to stock and wash reusable coasters. i say ive been spending my days wasting trees because we really dont need coasters at all. bars and restaurants use them because they are easier. u dont have to clean them or be responsible for them. u just throw them out when ur done with them. and ya know, trash just disappears. so then the coasters are gone. of course that is not the case but many of us have no clue where our trash goes and nor to we care. we blindly accept and allow the idea that after the trash men take it, its gone and we are not to every think of it every again.

"For every ton (2,000 pounds) of cardboard that we recycle, we can save nine cubic yards of landfill space. Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, nine cubic yards of landfill space, 4,000 kilowatts of energy and 7,000 gallons of water." - recycling cardboard a never ending task

if these are the things that we knowingly save by recycling consider all of what can be avoided with sustainable practices within our production. and that starts with responsibility within our actions. as consumers and companies alike. there is the proposal of the living income guaranteed. it recognizes that much of our issues come from the point that our equality as life and responsibility towards it is not physically manifested. its is resisted because it causes friction with our generational accepted and allowed ideas of ourselves. its proposed that we realize our equality as life here as a starting point. we all require the same basic things and the ability to acquire them. much of our waste is attributed to the fact that there is not enough money being made (within our created system of "how to make money and stay alive") to purchase what we keep on making anyway. so its wasted. that is evident in the case of food waste and starvation- unused homes and homelessness. so to first proposed to take responsibility for life. that responsibility for life, our own and others, will translate into our systems of production. giving responsible buying power to consumers creates accountability within companies. with a living income guaranteed in place because we arent forced to survive we are open to actually explore what living, together, actually is. because we arent forced to buy what is cheap to be able to eat we can buy what supports our physical bodies. clean production already makes sense now. but with the living income guaranteed clean production would make financial sense to companies as well.

do we really need coasters? boxes? i have seen thousands of options for ways in which to keep a bar dry..for catching condensation that does not demand such waste. i have seen a design of a collapsible box that could be reused time and time again. never to waste another tree on needlessness when its not, well needed. we advocate recycling but a world of zero waste is possible. like all things. it starts with accountability. within every aspect of ourselves here. accountability within production, distribution, education. no longer accepting of any means to get to a desired end. seems big? maybe. if we rest in our manufactured minds definitions of big and small. but not if we use our common sense and walk. its interesting that implementation is a lot smoother when its not conscious..when self does not see self as responsible..when its pushed aside as a necessity from our dna or existence as "just what is". but when self takes the reigns for self (and all selves take the reigns of all selves)- there is no one to look to but self within consequence. no more wondering of how and why. because we see the make up because we are the make up. and that can be difficult to adjust to. all around shameless responsibility.

but its possible.

self forgiveness on this point of waste to come...

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