in this blog i will be walking myself out of years of programming. who i have become is not who i really am as Life within what is best for all. who i have become is who i am within self interest and a disregard for all other life. and to change this i must first be willing to self honestly look at how myself was made. to do this i will, through self-investigation, see within myself the patterns i participate in, the characters i have created and the ideas the i accept and allow and how these things manifest in the physical as "me". and i apply self-forgiveness for all this mess. then i bring action to cause with self-correction in moments to live as the directive principle within my movement so i can be trusted with Life to do what is best for all in every breath. consideration. honesty. oneness. equality. and so i walk..

Sunday, December 22, 2013

day 21: the travelling idea of accepted bullying

bully verb

use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. synonyms: persecute, oppress, tyrannize, browbeat, harass, torment, intimidate, strong-arm, dominate; more.

ive been working this event for the past month or so with roxul. its a insulation that is formulated out of rocks (basalt and slag) instead of fiberglass. so in working this event i have been going around to two stores that sell insulation doing demos showing all the features and benefits of roxul. in doing this ive been talking to a lot of employees. getting knowledge about how the product is moving off the shelf, expressed contractor concerns and generally educating the employees to be able to educate the consumers on this insulation option. in doing this i have learned a lot about the way these two companies work. and moreover about the way these two companies work together. or lack there of.

anytime i mentioned the name of one company i will refer to as S company in the presence of employees of the other company i will refer to as T company it was like i was screaming curse words in the building lol. and vice versa. one wanted nothing to do with the other as an unspoken sense of hatred because they do and sell, essentially, the same products and services. (*there is much to say about our overall practices of business in this world and their practicality but im trying not to digress and stick to this one point. which is a point for myself. focus within writing. in that every blog i write does not have to address every connecting point to the point i am speaking on. and when realizing that all points connect really lol i sometimes lose my focus and self direction in writing. so i breathe..and focus.) in talking to one employee at S company about the roxul product and its flow off the shelves so far seeing as S company just started to carry the product within the past couple of month even though T company has been carrying it for at least a year i was told that S company is a lot more conservative and fearful and harder to convince than T company to do certain things and the employees had to petition for months to get roxul in the building. the employee spoke on the way S company hinders itself due to its accepted and allowed ideas and stances of its board of directors but also the way T company had strove to hinder them as well. T company has been in business for a lot longer than S company. though they both do and sell the same products and services, T company is bigger. it has more money, more stores, more employees, more friends and more strength. and this 'more' is used to T company's advantage. the employee let me know that there are a couple of products that S company cannot sell or was not allowed to sell for a period of time because T company is so big and has so much money and strength that T company went to the manufacturer and told them that they, T company, will buy their product and put it in all of their stores BUT ONLY if the manufacturer agreed not to sell to S company. either at all in some cases or for a period of time in others. basically, T company bullied the manufacturer via size and the ability to control the profit of the manufacturer to force them to do what T company wanted. corporate bullying. big company "taking the lunch money" of little company because of shear size.

this nurtured, encouraged world wide sense of competition as the basis of growth and prosperity has seeped into every aspect of our lives here in this world. to where we feel like we cannot live and grow (do business, wear clothes, express ourselves, eat, walk, drive..) unless we are "one uping" or beating out someone else to do it. ive experienced this within my writing also. where i separate myself from other life essentially to the point that i judge my expression in comparison to what i judge of their expression. accepting and allowing ideas of this others expression being great and profound and "right" within the sense of competition as the basis of everything assist me in creating ideas that my writing is not so great and profound and essentially "wrong" in comparison to what i hold "on high" of someone elses expression. when considering my acceptance of these ideas i see what we, as a world, are really being bullied by is our sense of separation from one another as life within oneness and equality here. to where this sense of separation uses the strength we fuel it with via the energy our acceptance and allowance gives to this idea to intimidate us into fearing our oneness and equality as life here. we fear our obvious connection. we separate ourselves into businesses, families, religions, systems, countries, states, parties, cities, teams, races, genders. we are intimidated by the mere idea of not separating ourselves into these things.

this idea of bullying travels. it doesnt begin or end in our schools with our children. it starts with us. who we are accepting and allowing ourselves to be as adult people as examples to younger people. we are so busy trying to control how children are becoming in this world we miss the point that we create every platform for their growth. via our society, our cultures, our government, our schools, our media, our music, our entertainment, our motivation as an example. we, adults, show them, children, how we are and they make themselves accordingly. the relationship of parent to child is where most children first experience the experience of being bullied. i know it was that way for me. my relationship with my parents is where i first learned that people can make other people do what they want by playing on an emotion or idea. "i am ur parent so thats why what i say is true." being someone who enjoys self educating and considering that which is not widely considered and someone who understands that i do not live in a world that is transparent but instead very secretive and manipulating at every turn, i know that all there is to learn about a subject- be it writing, economics, health care, deforestation, animal testing, clothing manufacturing, people..- is not readily expressed and shared with all. no one is telling the whole story of things in the day to day. not our schools, with our politicians, our presidents, our teachers, our parents. ourselves. there is much missed within all aspects of who we are as people here. and we should take opportunity from that realization. not shame. our team, team Life, is only as strong as its weakest link. we must work to stop bullying ourselves with our sense of separation by realizing our equality as life here. if we dont we will continue to doom ourselves and future generations. we cannot sit and wonder why things happen to us in separation of self from life. things dont just happen. things are created..formulated..made to happen. we are all active participants in this one life. only from accountability can anything different come forth.

the desteni lite course has really helped me in addressing myself within my realizations as i go through my process. self forgiveness to come.

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