in this blog i will be walking myself out of years of programming. who i have become is not who i really am as Life within what is best for all. who i have become is who i am within self interest and a disregard for all other life. and to change this i must first be willing to self honestly look at how myself was made. to do this i will, through self-investigation, see within myself the patterns i participate in, the characters i have created and the ideas the i accept and allow and how these things manifest in the physical as "me". and i apply self-forgiveness for all this mess. then i bring action to cause with self-correction in moments to live as the directive principle within my movement so i can be trusted with Life to do what is best for all in every breath. consideration. honesty. oneness. equality. and so i walk..

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

day 26: hey! teacher! leave those kids alone..

my sister was talking to me this morning about how much she hated school on our way to school. we were running a bit behind so i told her i would write her a note. she said not to bother that she would rather go to 'aca' which is some acronym for the place u go when u are late without reason/a note. u have to skip the bell that is currently going on. i asked why and she said because they are going to have a substitute in her first bell and its a substitute that she hates. i ask her why she says she hates the teacher and she says that they have a group of substitutes and they all are worst than her teachers because since they are substitutes they feel like they dont have to abide by any real rules because they arent real teachers. they may feel that way but im sure that is not the underlined reason of why and how they have made themselves into people that go into a position like teaching without really considering what that would physically mean for themselves or as collective consequence in the world.

she says that one of them tells the students not to ask any questions because since they are a sub they are not qualified to teach the subject they are subbing. so dont ask.. so anytime this sub is in they know not to ask if they have a question. because there is no one to give them an answer. learning nor teaching are really happening when this sub is being paid to be in the school. because this sub has already accepted and allowed the idea that they are not enough. and that is ok with them as long as they get a check for standing in front of a class. but as a result the children do not want to do work in this class when the sub is there. because they know they wont get assistance. which has a consequence on drive in a student as a teacher.

another is really religious and attempts to make the students pray together in class. if ur religious this probably sounds awesome at first. but consider if that religion of which prayers are being, essentially, forced into the curriculum is not the one u believe in. what if it was a chant to satan? a spell for gaia? a chat with the purple people eater? would u be just as inclined to accept it from a teacher? probably not because it does not coincide with ur personal beLIEf. because its personal. its urs. not everyones. but what is everyones? what is our common sense? our education system is supposed to be our common sense taught to our youth. its not supposed to teach youth to be better satan worshipers or god worshipers or worshipers at all. its not supposed to teach youth how to talk to their idea of a god. its supposed to teach children the tools to investigate, understand and contribute to a world they are a part of. those tools are everyones. a school is not an institution to implement religious dogma or initiate a personal agenda of any kind. its where we should fine tune the ability to access, process and manifest knowledge. that is our collective agenda.

this one sub demands that all female students leave the room before all male students. the males are to wait until every female is out of the room when this sub is in and one is to hold the door. he tells them its only right to let females go first in everything. here some may think this is just teaching the young men chivalry and the ladies to be fair. its interesting that we, today, convey chivalry as opening doors for women or helping old people across the street or giving up a seat to someone. rarely if ever do we see this trait as attainable for a woman or acceptable coming from a woman. its ridiculous that a woman would be chivalrous. thats, apparently, for the men. we always hear that chivalry is dead. well i say, let that shit die. courtesy is a responsibility of people. not just people with penises. i hold the door for whomever is behind me. its courteous. and if its a man i usually get into a back forth because many, even when they are in the position to be supported, will refuse it because we are so hung up on an idea instead of the practicality of the situation. we must convey to our children that courtesy can be common if we make it. common courtesy. its everyones.

the school system as a whole here where i live is lacking to say the least. they blatantly attempt to just push the children through not at all making sure they are ready. i recall when i pushed my sister to ask questions and demand answers from her teachers. she was apprehensive to ask (and willing to not know which is a consequence of not having a truth worthy platform for students to go to for answers. they get complacent with mediocrity.)because the teachers were already displaying a lack of real effort in their positions. there was a math question that she did go to her teacher to help her solve. he ended up not being able to solve the problem himself. and instead of showing the student how to approach something they do not know, how to fact find, how to follow steps, how to figure out- he gave her the answer and just said he wasnt sure how to get it though. so now she is set up for failure for future presentations of similar problems. because she still does not know how to come to the solution. yes, we cannot force a child to learn. it must be implemented by the self that is learning. but it must be initiated by us. those that were here before. those that present. those that guide. those that teach.

teaching is a big deal. and some people just should not be teaching. theres a really cool blog that talks about this. a teachers journey to life- why some people shouldnt be teachers . the blog as a whole explores the point of teaching as a point that, in fact, changes the world. and the responsibility thereof. very cool posts.

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